Division Game, zombie shooter game

The division game that gets the whole class engaged - Division has always been a challening concept, especially if the student does not have solid foundation of the other operations. But with the help of the division game zombie shooter, the teacher will be able to help the students ease into the lesson until they can fully grasp it. The game opens up with an explanation of how players should play the game and the rules for the scoring. Then, the players starts playing with the sole goal of answering the question before the time limit expires. If the response is correct, the zombie gets shot and the player wins points. This mechanics is what excites the students to play this game. And with the help of the teacher, this can influence how students will perceive that division is not really that difficult. The division questions are easy to understand and the students can easily apply the concept they learned to solve for the correct answer. This provides a great way for the students to practice what they have learned as well as ask the teacher for clarifications. The visual aspect of the game also helps the students visualize the process and stimulate their brain through the numbers that they see.